Thursday, December 7, 2017

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Pemberitahuan keamanan untuk Akun Google yang ditautkan

Fitrah muhayah
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Monday, October 9, 2017

Aktivasi Pembuatan PIN

Yang Terhormat, Bpk/Sdr. Abdul Azis Dengan hormat, Untuk meningkatkan keamanan bertransaksi, kami memberlakukan penggunaan PIN untuk transaksi tertentu di Danamas. Untuk melanjutkan pembuatan PIN, silahkan klik link berikut ini : Link: Konfirmasi PIN Konfirmasi PIN anda berlaku selama 24 jam sejak email ini anda terima. Jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami di atau via telp di 021-56954588 Salam, Customer Service Danamas

Aktivasi Pembuatan PIN

Yang Terhormat, Bpk/Sdr. Abdul Azis Dengan hormat, Untuk meningkatkan keamanan bertransaksi, kami memberlakukan penggunaan PIN untuk transaksi tertentu di Danamas. Untuk melanjutkan pembuatan PIN, silahkan klik link berikut ini : Link: Konfirmasi PIN Konfirmasi PIN anda berlaku selama 24 jam sejak email ini anda terima. Jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami di atau via telp di 021-56954588 Salam, Customer Service Danamas

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Aktivasi Pembuatan PIN

Yang Terhormat, Bpk/Sdr. Abdul Azis Dengan hormat, Untuk meningkatkan keamanan bertransaksi, kami memberlakukan penggunaan PIN untuk transaksi tertentu di Danamas. Untuk melanjutkan pembuatan PIN, silahkan klik link berikut ini : Link: Konfirmasi PIN Konfirmasi PIN anda berlaku selama 24 jam sejak email ini anda terima. Jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami di atau via telp di 021-56954588 Salam, Customer Service Danamas

Aktivasi Pembuatan PIN

Yang Terhormat, Bpk/Sdr. Abdul Azis Dengan hormat, Untuk meningkatkan keamanan bertransaksi, kami memberlakukan penggunaan PIN untuk transaksi tertentu di Danamas. Untuk melanjutkan pembuatan PIN, silahkan klik link berikut ini : Link: Konfirmasi PIN Konfirmasi PIN anda berlaku selama 24 jam sejak email ini anda terima. Jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami di atau via telp di 021-56954588 Salam, Customer Service Danamas

Konfirmasi Validasi Email

Yang terhormat Bpk/Sdr. Abdul Azis Selamat datang di Danamas.Terimakasih Anda telah mendaftar sebagai anggota Danamas. Untuk keamanan akun anda, silahkan klik link berikut ini untuk memvalidasi email anda: Link: Validasi Email Jika anda tidak memvalidasi email anda, maka beberapa fungsi di Danamas tidak dapat dipakai. Hormat Kami, PT Pasar Dana Pinjaman ================================================================================================= Dear Bpk/Sdr. Abdul Azis Welcome to Danamas.Thank you for register as Danamas lender. For your safety, please click link below to validate your email : Link: Email Validation If you are not validate your email, some function at Danamas is disabled. Best Regards, PT Pasar Dana Pinjaman

Saturday, July 22, 2017

adieprata, see new posts from arianagrande, instagram, testi_istys_collection and more

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instagram It's been an exciting year for Sejahari Saulter-Villegas (@amaru_ler). The 18-year-old, who travels to NYU this fall to study dramatic writing, was recognized by Chicago's young playwrights competition, and made his Broadway performance debut after winning a separate competition. "I was born into this community of arts and activism," says Sejahari. "I started at Kuumba Lynx, which is a hip-hop arts and education program housed in the Uptown area of Chicago. We take elements of rap, poetry, theater, dance, and we put it into a production, so the world of poetry and theater were always intertwined." This week, Sejahari joined other young creatives at the International Youth Poetry Slam Festival @bravenewvoices for its 20th annual gathering. "People think that poetry is this café, after-midnight thing, when the culture that it's become is a place for youth to speak their truth and express themselves in a way that informs the entire world of what's going on." The multi-day festival, which includes workshops, competitions, showcases, community service and civic participation, is an energizing moment for Sejahari. "I love this slam community. I have people in Philly, New York, Twin Cities, Miami — we haven't seen these people for a whole year, some two years, but we come back and we're best friends. Social media plays a big part in that because it's sort of how we constantly stay updated on each other's lives." Check out our story to meet more poets from this year's @bravenewvoices festival. Photo by @amaru_ler

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franciscus PT: Hoje, quarto aniversário da Jornada Mundial da Juventude Rio 2013. EN: Today, 4th anniversary of World Youth Day Rio 2013. ES: Hoy, cuarto aniversario de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud Río 2013. IT: Oggi, quarto anniversario della Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù Rio 2013. FR: Aujourd'hui, quatrième anniversaire de la Journée Mondiale de la Jeunesse Rio 2013 DE: Heute, 4. Jahrestag des Weltjugendtags Rio 2013. #rio2013, #anniversary, #jmj, #wyd, #GMG

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kimkardashian ❤️ @olivier_rousteing

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letthelordbewithyou On the road again

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akon Amazing people 🙏🏿

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therock Our big new season of #Ballers hits your home's TOMORROW NIGHT. Before that drops, go ahead and take a few minutes and catch up on our first two seasons. For all our NEW fans tuning in tomorrow night, you'll see the sizzle and polish of fame and money, but our show's anchor is the demons and how we deal with them in our daily lives. Famous or not.. we all gotta face those demons. Happy streaming our first two seasons and I'll see you in your homes... on your couch... drink in hand...with a non creepy smile.. tomorrow night. #NewSeason #Ballers on @HBO

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instagramru По традиции каждую неделю мы публикуем еженедельный обзор лучших фотографий и видео за прошедшую неделю. Поздравляем @foto_artur, @chuuubaka, @ta.roma, чьи работы вошли в подборку на этой неделе! Чтобы принять участие в следующем обзоре, добавляйте. хэштег #инстаграмнедели только к снимкам, сделанным вами начиная с сегодняшнего дня. Любые фотографии или видео, где соблюдены эти правила, могут быть опубликованы в нашем аккаунте @Instagramru. Желаем всем прекрасных выходных! Фото: @ta.roma

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ferbianacen Calon pembalap..hehe

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Friday, July 14, 2017

adieprata, see new posts from arianagrande, instagram, testi_istys_collection and more

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arianagrande 🌩

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instagram Hello, world! It's time to meet today's #WeeklyFluff: Bacalao (@yogalgo), a shy, intelligent and loving Galgo Español, or Spanish greyhound. She's the star of a documentary film called "Yo Galgo," made by her human Yeray López, which raises awareness about the overbreeding of this type of dog for racing and hunting. Follow @yogalgo to see what Bacalao — and her adopted sister and couch mate, Tzatziki — are up to. Discover more stories from the Spanish-speaking community on @instagrames. Photo by @yogalgo

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franciscus EN: The 5th of July is the feast of Venezuela's independence. I assure my prayer for this beloved Nation and I express my closeness to the families that have lost children in the street protests. I appeal for an end to the violence and that a peaceful and democratic solution may be found to the crisis. May Our Lady of Coromoto intercede for Venezuela! PT: Em 5 de julho recorre a Festa de Independência da Venezuela. Asseguro a minha oração por esta querida nação e exprimo a minha proximidade às famílias que perderam os seus filhos nas manifestações de rua. Faço um apelo para que se coloque fim à violência e seja encontrada uma solução pacífica e democrática para a crise. Que Nossa Senhora de Coromoto interceda pela Venezuela. IT: Il 5 luglio ricorrerà la festa dell'indipendenza del Venezuela. Assicuro la mia preghiera per questa cara Nazione ed esprimo la mia vicinanza alle famiglie che hanno perso i loro figli nelle manifestazioni di piazza. Faccio appello affinché si ponga fine alla violenza e si trovi una soluzione pacifica e democratica alla crisi. Nostra Signora di Coromoto interceda per il Venezuela! FR: Le 5 juillet marquera la fête de l'indépendance du Venezuela. J'assure de ma prière pour cette chère Nation et j'exprime ma proximité aux familles qui ont perdu leurs enfants dans les manifestations de rue. Je lance un appel afin que soit mis fin à la violence et que l'on trouve une solution pacifique et démocratique à la crise. Que Notre Dame de Coromoto intercède pour le Venezuela !

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cristiano Enjoy

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therock This one got the blood boilin'. At the Civil and Human Rights Center they created an interactive experience of what it was like sitting at the "Whites only" lunch counter at Woolworth's during the famous "Greensboro sit-ins" during the Civil Rights Movement. Wearing these headphones gives you a extremely small taste of what would be said to your face, while being kicked, spit on etc had I sat at this counter in 1960. For these four brave, strong willed students to sit thru this with poise, dignity and pride.. to remain non-violent.. keeping the bigger picture in mind.. ending racial incredible. Inspiring. Not sure if I would've had the poise and grace to sit thru this non-violently. I'd like to think I would've, had that been the collective goal, but my blood boiling and sweat starting to bead up on the back of my head said otherwise. I'm forever grateful to the heroes that did though. Grateful to learn so much more about our past and my culture. Helps us shape the future. #CivilAndHumanRightsCenter #Atlanta

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instagramru На этой неделе в рубрике #инстаграмзверят встречайте сумчатого летягу Тима @sg__tim. Этот хорошенький и очень любопытный маленький мальчик любит играть с людьми. Дружелюбный зверёк быстро привыкает к любому находящемуся рядом человеку. Подписывайтесь на @sg__tim, чтобы увидеть ещё больше кадров забавного Тима. Фото: @sg__tim

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neymarjr O @neymarjrsfive rolou no final de semana passado no @institutoneymarjr . Foi inesquecível ver gente de mais de 53 países se divertindo jogando futebol, sempre com muita paz. Queria agradecer a todo mundo que participou. Uma pena que não posso taguear todos. Mas, em nome desses caras aí embaixo, fica o meu agradecimento a todos os atletas que me fizeram feliz, de verdade !! England @antuanwilliams23 @mr.db7 @muggymike_ @k5skk @ifc_fives Sweden Felix Jigliden-Larsson @Fredrikaugustin @rossi.emilio @wlannholm @h10furublad @jernarp @lorso4 Angola @vanderson.jesus @Keelviito @migueljorgeandrade @martinhoalvaroda @mangolias E os grandes campeões Romania @Ionut Movileanu @movi.movileanu @tiga_tiga_1975 @krek_mihai @Costi.dumitru10 @gaby.a.grecu @Silviuradumd #NeymarJrsFive #InstitutoNeymarJr #redbull

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nickiminaj I have so many questions. I jus- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣😂😂😩😂cc: @mikewillmadeit @yogottikom #RakeItUp

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iss Expedition 52 Flight Engineer Jack Fischer (@astro2fish) gives us a quick tour of payload activities inside and outside the airlock of the Japanese (@jaxajp) Kibo laboratory module. #nasa #jaxa #japan #kibo #science #international #space #station

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